No To NATO’s Nuclear War!

nato mushroom clouds

10-06-2024: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent press conference during a state visit to Uzbekistan contained perhaps the starkest warning to NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) and the ruling elites of the West that he has ever given. Putin made it clear, once again, that if the NATO governments led by Washington went ahead with their plan to fire long-range missiles at targets inside Russia from Ukraine, Russia would respond and that the countries that provided the weapons systems would be held responsible. Putin also made clear that Ukraine has little to do with it given the fact that the long-range missiles are made by NATO, supplied by NATO, are operated and launched by NATO, at targets selected by NATO while using space reconnaissance data provided by NATO.[1] The fact that Washington and its NATO vassals are pushing to strike the territory of Russia – a nuclear superpower- indicates that the West is on the brink of triggering an apocalypse the likes of which has never been countenanced in history. This insane course must be prevented if humanity is to survive.

World on a precipice

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban recently stated that every week, he sees more and more evidence that the EU (European Union) and NATO are preparing for war against Russia. He said that the talks between Ukraine and France to enable French “military instructors” to go to Ukraine indicates a new level of involvement of the EU and NATO. Trying to express the gravity of the situation, Orban stated that “we are inches away from destruction”.[2] The almost complete silence about this potentially civilisation ending catastrophe is astonishing, as there is virtually no comment, and no opposition to this reckless course from Western politicians, nor from Western print or TV media.[3] The outcome of a NATO launched war on Russia could well be the end of life on planet earth. Yet many in the West are unaware that we are standing on the edge of annihilation. Russia’s “dead hand” launch system means that even if NATO is able to take out every Russian command and control centre, enough missiles will be automatically launched to wipe out the US and Western Europe. Thus, there is no advantage for a NATO first strike on Russia. In fact, it is Russia which has first strike capability due to its terrifying Sarmat juggernauts, which carry smaller but unstoppable hypersonic missiles as payload.[4]

If this nightmare scenario was not enough, Washington is at the same time hell bent on provoking the giant People’s Republic of China (PRC) to the point of nuclear exchange. As of March this year, US Green Berets have been permanently stationed in Taiwan for the first time ever. This includes Kinmen Island, which is a bare six miles from Xiamen on the coast of the Chinese mainland. It is not like the PRC is not ready should the US military push the issue (something which is way beyond the PRC’s red lines) too far. The PRC’s military drills at the end of May completely surrounded Taiwan in a formidable show of force. In addition, the usually ultra-diplomatic Beijing government did not mince words, saying its exercise were activated to “punish separatist acts”.[5] New Taiwan President Lai Ching-te barely stands a chance if he continues to push Taiwanese “independence”.

For real anti-war action

Working people internationally must grasp the reasons why the human race is potentially facing extinction through a devastating conflict. Millions can see that the US led empire is losing the power it once had and is lashing out in a futile attempt to turn back time. Yet few recognise that the West is declining due to the utter exhaustion of the capitalist system and its inability to counter that which is replacing it. US and EU led imperialism is collapsing, and the non-imperialist BRICS bloc is inevitably providing the alternative. The BRICS alliance now includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. As many as 40 nations from the “global south” are itching to join. Undoubtedly, BRICS is anchored by the gargantuan manufacturing, technological, scientific and engineering powerhouse which is the industry of the PRC. The PRC is leaving the Western capitalist economies in its wake due to its largely state owned and planned economy, which was one result of its epic socialist revolution which triumphed in 1949.

Western capitalism appears powerless in the face of a challenge from the socialistic PRC alone, let alone its accumulating alliances with Russia, Iran and all other nations seeking a final end to a unipolar world. While it is certainly true that the BRICS governments will not politically lead a struggle for world socialism, it is plain to see that a socialist alternative to decrepit capitalism can only proceed through the rising Eurasian powers (Iran, Russia, China) and the non-Western “global majority”. An authentic Marxist leadership in the form of internationally linked workers’ vanguard parties which are NOT stuck in obsolete 20th century formulas must be forged, and not only to avoid a nuclear war. There is a deliberate cost of living crisis afflicting the masses as a direct flow on from totalitarian dictates enforced with the feeble excuse of a supposed virus in 2020. This vast inequality continues alongside dire warnings of even worse climate disasters fuelled by incessant fossil fuel burning, at the same time as multiple technologies which could be put to use to at least mitigate the worst environmental impacts.

The main reason there are not anti-nuclear war demonstrations rippling throughout the West is the faux left retaining a monomaniacal fixation on Gaza to the exclusion of the fate of the future. While action to defend Palestine against an unconscionable bombardment remains necessary, the opportunist “left” use this as a cover for their actual positions which they cannot state openly. For, despite their postures, they remain on board with the diabolical plans of liberal imperialism for regime change in Iran, Russia and China. For all of their bombast, these fair weather “revolutionaries” are tied to their respective Union bureaucrats and reform-less woke politicians by a thousand threads.

What is required is the urgent transformation of the “Stand with Palestine” actions into a genuine anti-war and anti-imperialist movement. It should clearly stand with the BRICS bloc which is at least diplomatically defending Palestine. It should stand for military defence of the “Axis of Resistance” which is steadily chipping away at the bases of US imperialism in the Middle East and West Asia. It should take action to end Western weapons supplies to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. It should demand the abolition of NATO (no war on Russia) and the abolition of AUKUS (no war on China). Linked to the cost of living “war at home”, such a rising will put an end to the ruling elites’ endless wars.

Workers League


[1] (05-06-2024)

[2] (05-06-2024)

[3] (05-06-2024)

[4] (05-06-2024)

[5] (05-06-2024)


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