BRICS Rises, G7 Decomposes

24-06-2024: It was an uninspiring spectacle. The G7 (Group of 7 – USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Canada) meeting in Apulia from June 13 to 15 was almost entirely devoid of meaning and appeared to portray the end of an empire. The G7 advanced and industrialised countries, birthed in the early 1970s, at that time accounted for more than 60% of world Gross Domestic … Continue reading BRICS Rises, G7 Decomposes

Canberra Uses Football to Counter China’s Power

17-06-2024: The announcement that the Australian federal government will fork out $600 million of taxpayers’ money to fund a National Rugby League (NRL) football team in Papua New Guinea (PNG) came as a shock to many. Social media users responded immediately with comments laced with profanities such as “I love my Rugby League but I want my taxes used on something f***ing useful…education, roads, mental … Continue reading Canberra Uses Football to Counter China’s Power

Unaffordable Housing in Australia the Tip of the Crisis Iceberg

08-04-2024: Australia’s housing crisis has reached record levels and is becoming notorious internationally. Home ownership, what was once known as “The Great Australian Dream” is now out of reach for millions. The Greens have commissioned data from the parliamentary library which revealed the average borrower would need to earn $164 400 – more than $66 000 above the average income – every year to pay … Continue reading Unaffordable Housing in Australia the Tip of the Crisis Iceberg